The Memory of YD1FUQ,YC1FUQ 1993~2002

December 14, 2008
YD1FUQ b the first time manage the event of ORARI in the Local Level 1993

Ex YD1FUQ Kardi in the first time managed the event of ORARI in the Local Level in 1993, when I was just passed from examination and hold the License of Amateur Radio with the call sign YD1FUQ registered as the member of ORARI of West Java Region under the Head of ORARI of West Java, YB1CPT/SK. The innaguration in The Indonesian Scout Complex at Cibubur in 1993 in the occasion of the anniversary of the 25th ORARI July 09, 1993. YB1CPT was acting the appoinment of the new members.

W4JS while he was holding YB1ARW as expatriate in Tangerang he allowed to hold Amaterus Radio Indoensia License. He is now as the QSL Manager of YB0JS - Suryadi.This piscture ws taken in 1993 in Complex Karangkitri Pramuka at Curug, Tangerang

W4JS while he was holding YB1ARW ( is now holding W4JS - John Spreat ) as expatriated in Tangerang he allowed to hold Amateur Radio Indonesia License. He is now as the QSL Manager of YB0JS - Suryadi. This picture was taken in 1993 in Complex namely Karangkitri Pramuka at Curug, Tangerang

W4JS (center) in the stage to delivered his heart feeling to be the participants in the venet of ORARI Local Tangerang

W4JS (center) John on the stage to delivered his happy heart feeling as the participant in the event of ORARI Local Tangerang. He shared experience during his stayed at Tangerang and as amateur radio as well.

This is the first opportunity from myself  I got a trustee from my lifting number 37 who passed from the examination of Amateur Radio in 1993 as the Technician Class or we call it SIAGA with the Prefix YD/YG – the validity of  the license is 3 years. ( We waited more than 6 month the announcement of the result of the examination, we feel hopeless to be an amateur radio – if no may be I could be an ORONG-ORONG or  Pirate Station, hiii – Lucky the announcement declared and I and all of my lifting about 100 person for all West Java be amateur radio with the Suffix Foxrod, I got YD1FUQ)

On that time the Government issued Government Regulation or in our bahasa  is Peraturan Pemerintah No. 21/1967 stated that ORARI is the only organization for The Indonesian Amateur Radio who alreday passed from examination and hold the Amateur Radio License or IAR=Ijin Amatir Radio issued by Directorate General of Telecommunication, as the regulation for the all of Amateur  Radio in Indonesia must be followed and must join as the member of ORARI, no exception.

I was registered as the member of ORARI of West Java Region with The Head of  ORARI was Oldman Moeis Tjondoro – YB1CPT/SK in the year of 1998 ( he passed away on about November 23 or 22, 1998 in Bandung, two days after my daughter was born, we called me on the day of the birth day of my daughter and 2-3 days after that day he passed away. He ever been heart operated in Australia about more than 10 years before died he was Brigade  General of ARMY, if I am not mistaken, he managed ORARI very strict and developed as the best ORARI Daerah/Regional, we called ORARI WEST JAVA  as the  number one  ORARI Daerah/regional ORARI  in Indonesia as well as the PO Box number  1024 of  West Java ORARI was very familiar among the Dxers in the world in the year 1995-2000 when I was in QSO with some Station from abroad they told me that they familiar with the 1024 PO Box numebr of  ORARI West Java, because all of the QSL Card from foreign country addressed to Regional Bureau of ORARI West Java. Direct was not valid for claiming local award, like Golden Award issued by ORARI West Java to support our application to be the General Class. They have Brown Award for supporting Technician Class to be Advance Class.

ORARI of West Java Region ever been hosted  IARU Region 3 meeting  Bandung, I do not remember the date of the IARU Meeting in Bandung, it was long time before I am as the Amateur Radio.

When he was passed away he still as the Head of ORARI  of West Java and he left the big fund and secretariat building, he started managed from NIL.

May Allah SWT God Bless him  a peaceful in the heaven – he was Maduranese, Amien!!!

I attended the first Region Congress of ORAI West java after YB1CPT rezim at Lemang Bandung as the participant of Local Tangerang

I attended the first Regional Congress of ORARI West Java after YB1CPT/SK authority at Lembang Bandung as the Representation audience of Local Tangerang.

I came along with my wife and beautiful daughter who born three days before YB1CPT passed away, on November 20, 1998.

He passed his congratulation by phone on the birth day of my Daughter Putri CS  in hospital somewhere in Jakarta.

Tarik tambang among participants at Karangkitri Curug, Tangerang.

Tarik tambang among participants at Karangkitri Curug, Tangerang.

YF0AL - OM Soegito in 1999 closing ceremony of RAKERPUS of ORARI 1999 at PUSPIPTEK Serpong

YF0AL - OM Soegito (left above ) sang as song in 1999 closing ceremony of The Committee of RAKERPUS of ORARI (National Working Meeting) 1999 at PUSPIPTEK Serpong. I was appointed as the Chairman of the RAKERPUS (National Working Day) of ORARI 1999 attended by all of The Head of ORARI from all over region in Indonesia.

Above is the Ministry of Communication & Transportation in the anniversary of the Departement took place at Cibubur Indonesian Scout Complex

Above is the Ministry of Communication submitted a certificate to the participant of the event of The Directorate General of Post & Telecommunication day took place at Cibubur Indonesian Scout Complex and below is the inauguration of the new Amateur Radio Indonesia registered as the member of ORARI took place at Puspiptek in the break time of RAKERPUS ( National Working Meeting) ORARI 1999. Innagurated by The President of ORARI period 1996-2001, YF0AL - OM. Soegito

Participants and Karung Race at Karangkitri Scout Complex Curug, Tangerang in 1993

Participants Karung Race at Karangkitri Scout Complex Curug, Tangerang in 1993

Serpong ARDF in the occassion of the anniversary of Tagerang Regent in 1996, opened by The Head of ORARI West Java Region YB1CPT/SK – Moeis Tjondro accompanied by YB1SB Syamsulbahri, Ebby Jauhary YC1 …. as the Chairman of Local Tangerang. (left below).The other picture were the winners, trophy and just for information that the event Donated by YC1FUQ and some from Bupati/Regent of  Tangerang.

Signed memorial board of Tangerang Fox Hunting 1996

YC1FUQ Signed memorial board of Tangerang Fox Hunting 1996




From the right : YB0RX, YC1FUQ, YB0FF/SK, YB1KID



YC1FUQ and Putri at The oepning ceremony of National Congress of ORARI

YC1FUQ and Putri at The oepning ceremony of National Congress of ORARI VII/2001 at Serpong



Delievered report to the President of ORARI and Director General of POSTEL in RAKERPUS 1999

Delivered a report to the President of ORARI and Director General of POSTEL in RAKERPUS (National Working Meeting) 1999 (top) and The VIP Guest before opening ceremony at Conference Ballroom of PUSPIPTEK, Serpong

DIRECTOR GENERAL OF POSTEL represented The Ministry of Telecommunication & Transportation reached the Hall of PUSPIPTEK to officially opened the Natioal Congress of ORARI VII-2001

DIRECTOR GENERAL OF POSTEL represented The Ministry of Telecommunication accompanied by YF0AL & YC1FUQ reached the Hall of PUSPIPTEK to officially opened the National Congress of ORARI VII-2001

THE ICON of National Congress of ORARI VII-2001

The ICON of National Congress of ORARI VII-2001

The last minutes before opening ceremony

The last minutes before opening ceremony

The Care taker of Governor of Banten Oldman Hakamuddin - YB8HD closed offially the Congress

The Care taker of Governor of Banten Oldman Hakamuddin - YB8HD closed offially the Congress, he was greeting to all of The Committee of the event.

Situation after opening, 2 ways discussion among the members of ORARI with Director General

Situation after opening, willl continued with two ways discussion among the members of ORARI with Director General

to be continued …

Indonesian Amateur Radio Oldtimers

December 6, 2008


  1. Warna Merah Putih pada pada lingkaran logo adalah suatu tanda kita berada dalam negara kesatuan republik indonesia, tidak akan terpecah karena ideologi SARA.
  2. Warna Emas pada tulisan Indonesian Amateur Radio Old Timers & Lambang Kompas (delapan penjuru angin), adalah menandakan berhati dan berjiwa Emas yang tidak akan pernah luntur dan setia terhadap nilai-nilai luhur kegiatan ke amatir radio-an.
  3. Huruf IAROT berwarna putih, menandakan forum ini mempunyai tujuan yang bersih tidak terpengaruh oleh kepentingan kelompok tertentu dan tidak berafiliasi kepada partai politik apapun

  4. Lambang Kompas ditengah yang mengarah kepada delapan penjuru angin, menandakan IAROT bila diperlukan akan menempatkan dirinya berada dimana saja untuk kepentingan nilai nilai luhur kegiatan ke amatir radioan.

  5. Warna Hitam menandakan bahwa walaupun didalam kegelapan IAROT akan tetap muncul menempatkan dirinya sebagai BEGAWAN untuk membela nilai-nilai luhur kegiatan ke amatir radio – an di Indonesia.


YB0FP – Luluk, Secretary General of  IAROT


Rahmat Ismail YB0EO, as The President of IAROT

Vice President IARO
Vice President IAROT – Adi YB3FY
YB1TC as Treasuy and Public Relation
YB1TC as Treasury and Public Relation

Regret that I have to write in our bahasa, how is IAROT established ;

Mohon maaf tulisan ini bukan bermaksud membuka pahitnya pasca acara tetapi sebagai sebuah perjalanan Amateur Radio Indonesia yang tidak boleh dilupakan begitu saja – buanglah pahitnya dan rasakan manisnya, BANGSA YANG BESAR adalah BANGSA YANG MENGHARGAI SEJARAH DAN PAHLAWAN  BANGSANYA, kata Bung Karno;

Berdirinya sebuah paguyuban SILATURAHIM IAROT tidak terlepas dari munculnya sebuah nama AROT (Amateur Radio Oldtimers) yang diwujudkan dalam sebuah Big big event  yang diselenggarakan di kawasan Pramuka Cibubur pada bulan Juli  tahun 2005 untuk merayakan  Hari Uakng Tahun ORARI yang menurut pengamatan penulis belum pernah saya alami dan nikmati dengan segala macam polemik Pro dan Kontra dari sesama Amatir Radio Indonesia  baik dari dari  indvidu Amatir Radio Indonesia Anggota ORARI maupun unsur pengurus organisasi – penulispun harus jujur mengakui bahwa agak sedikit tidak sependapat hanya pada logo yang ditampilkan yang mirip dengan logo ORARI – maklum masih buta hukum dan perundangan yang memayungi organisasi kita ORARI pada saat itu dan wajib dipatuhi oleh segenap pemegang IAR tanpa kecualai, masih terbawa ajaran guru besar saya YB1CPT/SK yang sangat disiplin sekali dalam mendidik para pengurus dan anggotanya  ditingkat Daerah dan Lokal yang dianggap punya potensi dan loyal kepada ORARI saa itu.

Saat itu ORARI masih dipayungi dengan PP 21/1967  yang jelas-2 menyebut satu-satunya wadah Amatir Radio Indonesia adalah ORARI dan peraturan perundangan lainnya.

Saat itu belum  memasuki era Undang-undang No. 36/1999 tentang Telekomunikasi dan PP 52 Tahun 2000 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Telekomunikasi yang telah menggugurkan PP 21/1967.

Saya katakan the biggest event ever been held karena dihadiri  warga Amatir Radio Indonesia Anggota & Pengurus ORARI dari hampir seluruh Indonesia/Call Area  baik atas nama pribadi ataupun dari unsur organisasi level daerah maupun lokal, Panitia menyediakan fasilitas  akomodasi  FOC=Free of Charge di lokasi Gathering  komplek Cibubur tersebut.

Setahu saya acara besar ini donated majority by YB0FP himself.

Ketua Umum & Sekretrais Jenderal, Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal dan jajaran petinggi ORARI Pusat lainnya  hadir dan Ketua Umum menyampaikan kata sambutan pembukaannya, beliaupun  diarahkan panitia  menuju lapangan dibelakang gedung pembukaan untuk  menerima Bendera AROT  yang dibawa oleh penerjun payung dari FASI yang sengaja disisipkan untuk menambah semaraknya acara.

Sekilas cuplikan sambutan YB0FP pada pembukaan acara AROT Gathering yang di sponosorinya dimana menurut pengakuannya Acara gathering ini tidak ada kepentingan lain selain ingin membangun Paguyuban Silaturahmi untuk melestarikan nilai-2 luhur ke-amatir radio-an yang dicita-2kan para pendiri Amateur Radio Indonesia dan ORARI yang ikut berjuang dalam mewujudfkan kemerdekaan negeri tercinta Indonesia melalaui bantuan radio komunikasi sampai pasca kemerdekaan, sayangnya ide ini banyak memperoleh tantangan dari beberapa kelompok dan organisasi kita sendiri, ada kesan  akan mendirikan organisasi dalam organisasi serta kabar burung bahwa sang donator melirik kursi pucuk pimpinan organisasi dalam MUNAS 2006, walaupun perhelatan akbarnya masih sekitar 16-17 bukan lagi.

Sayangnya diantara Old Timers tidak bisa menjaga solidaritas dan akhirnya AROT  hidup enggan matipun tidak – kata YB0FP, AROT  mati suri, tapi LOGO/Vandel sempat bersandar di HQ RSGB – handed by Luluk himself on his official tour duty to UK , so what Next ……???

Selamat membaca, kalau kurang jelas silahkan kirim komentar dalam Blog ini agar bisa dikirim hardcopynya oleh YB0FP.

Sambutan YB0FP
Sambutan YB0FP dalam AROT Gathering

Dibawah ini beberapa rekaman camera penulis yang sempat saya rekam, ada juga rekaman Vudeo tapi entah dimana masternya belum ketemu, below is the Memory of AROT Gahtering 2005 dan Rekaman Gathering di Home QTH Ketua Umum ORARI YB0PHM one day before event :


Tjok – YB0RX & Budi – YB3AT asyiik melepas kangen, mengenang masa lalu yang penuh ceria sesama Amatir Radio dijamannya, how next generation?

Keduanya saat ini sudah uzur dan YB0RX sudah sulit bicara tinggal di daerah Bogor (qsy from Lenteng Agung Jakarta), saya coba telpon  nomor rumahnya tidak ada yang menerima sedangkan OM Budi alias Ateng YB3AT juga demikian, penyakit tua menjangkiti tubuhnya namun saya masih sempat beberapa kali say hello – saya bersama keluarga anak istri pernah dua kali singgah makan nasi rawon made in his XYL di Nganjuk, sedaap deeh.

Siapapun dia, apapun langkah aktivitasnya dalam organisasi  dimasa lalu – diterima atupun tidak karena tidak sejalan dengan policy organisasi – they have done their best for their ORARI, for their Indonesian Beloved Ham Community and already promoted ORARI through his activities, his IOTA activities; the past is the past and we have to remind them as Oldtimers, OM Tjok was active in IOTA during 1990 and the last IOTA was in Tukang Besi Island located around South East  Sulawesi and OM Ateng like experiment  very much – May God Bless Them Healthty and Happiness in their old life.

YB1HN – SUHARNO & his Duplicate Ex  YD1HN


The Young Timer in between Old Timers

YB2AG and YB0OHM, The Previous President of ORARI (2001-2006 ) and now he is the Chairman of ORARI
YB2AG and YB0OHM, The Previous President of ORARI (2001-2006 ) and now he is the Chairman of ORARI
The old transmitter in diplayed in the AROT Gahtering event
One of The old transmitter/Radio Equipments   displayed in the AROT Ghatering event at Cibubur
The Various type of Tube
The Various type of Tube

One day before AROT GATHERING opened at CIBUBUR, They were  gathering at the residence of YB0PHM the President of ORARI 2001-2006


YB1HN and Ex YD1HN


  • YB0FP & YB0YJ The two invoators of AROT Gathering at CibuburYB0FP & YB0YJ The two initiators of AROT Gathering at CibuburYB2KM – OM DJATMIKO & YB0……., sorry I forget his name
  • YB0PHM and his Fan YD2TKZ in his resident one day before AROT Event
    YB0PHM and his Fan YD2TKZ in his resident one day before AROT Event
    YB0IGW,YB1OOO/SK,YB1PC,YC0MYA,YB0GG,YB2EO in the front hpose of YB0PHM on 23 July 2005
    YB0IGW,YB1OOO/SK,YB1PC,YC0MYA,YB0GG,YB2EO in the front house of YB0PHM on 23 July 2005
    NANY YC0MYA and his OLDTIMER YB2LL OM GIE van Temanggung
    NANY YC0MYA and his OLDTIMER YB2LL OM GIE from Temanggung at the same place of  YB0PHM
    YB0AL and ....?????
    YB0AL and ….?????
    Roundtable setting at AROT Gathering Event 2005 at Cibubur
    Roundtable setting at AROT Gathering Event 2005 at Cibubur
    ARES particated at AROT Gathering 2005
    ARES participated at AROT Gathering 2005
    YB2UM presented abot 160M Antenna with his megaphone
    YB2UM presented abot 160M Antenna with his megaphone

    They were relaxing out side the building of the event
    They were relaxing out side the building of the event
    YC0EVY and YC3YZZ sing a song at the residence of YB0PHM on 23 July 2008
    YC0EVY and YC3YZZ sing a song at the residence of YB0PHM on 23 July 2008

    In the front veranda of YB0PHM resident
    In the front veranda of YB0PHM resident


    YC0MYA,YB2BMM and ...... sorry lupee
    YB1HN Harno sang a song at YB0PHM resident
    YB1HN Harno sang a song at YB0PHM resident, he is he the singer not the song
    YB0PHM delivered his joke to his guest, YB6DOK,YB2BMM,YB0IGW watched seriously, hiii
    YB0PHM delivered his joke to his guest, YB8DOK,YB2BMM,YB0IGW watched seriously, hiii
    Woow, Nany YC0MYA sang a beautiful song
    Woow, Nany YC0MYA sang a beautiful song
    YB8DOK - Jun and EVY YC0EVY
    YB8DOK – Jun and EVY – YC0EVY
    They were dancing
    They were dancing
    YB0DOS & YB2BMM where dancing
    YB0DOS & YB2BMM where dancing

    Magix Band Club
    Magix Band Club

    EVy YC0EVY and YC3YZZ the singer from Malang
    EVy YC0EVY and YC3YZZ the singer from Malang

    OM Sofyan YB3LZ and YB- .....
    OM Sofyan YB3LZ and YB- …..

    Kembali berbicara tentang AROT dengan Big eventnya, who were the inovators?? Lets I publish the following pictures I found at my file :

    The Inovators
    The Inovators

    LOGO AROTMengapa saya antuisas menyangkan manisnya AROT karena ingin mengajak semua pihak bahwa menjaga kelestarian nila-2 Amateur Radio ada ditangan para sesepuh atau yang biasa disebut Oldtimers – bagaimana yang Youngtimers memandang/menilai sesepuhnya yang kurang solid, perbedaan pendapat adalah hal yang harus disikapi penuh  kemanisan dan kebesaran jiwa – anggaplah sebagai romantikanya demokrasi di era reformasi. Kedepankan kepentingan silaturahmi karena AROT dibentuk hanya sebatas forum silaturhami walau saya pernah mendengar sendiri ada kekwatiran akan menjadi organisasi dalam organisasi yang akan menyaingi organisasi tunggal yang sudah ada.

    Sebuah bukti dibuktidalam foto dibawah ini tidak boleh diluapkan walaupun mungkin ada yang tidak semuanya bisa menerima, tetapi lihatlah karya anda saat ini sudah tersimpan rapih di Heaq Quarter RSGB dan IOTA di England. Sebuah ketidak sengajaan bahwa saat itu YB0FP mengadakan official traveling ke London dan saya mencoba kirim email ke Roger Balister salah seorang petinggi IOTA RSGB dan ternyata permohonan saya di terima dan waktunya match dengan YB0FP, congratulations!!

    Congratulations the logo already in RSGB
    Congratulations the logo already in RSGB

    Denmmikianlah sekilas manisnya perjalanan sejarah masa lalu yang harus dicatat, direnungkan maslahtanya dan mari dengan jiwa kebesaran seorang AR-Indonesia kita buang pahitnya getirnyadan semoga tulisan singkat ini bisa dipakai sebagai modal IAROT menjalankan forum silaturahmi dengan penuh solidaritas yang tinggi, penuh ke harmonisan serta kebersamaan. Visi Misi tidak berbeda jauh hanya individunya pendiri/inovatornya berbeda, semoga Allah Swt meredoi perjuangan ini, Amien. Be a profesional even we are as an amateur radio people.

    THIS IS THE END STORY ABOUT AROT GATHERING 2005, hopefully still any other Big Big event like this in the future, Cherioo 73 bye and lets we go to IAROT

    Akhirnya sang Donatur membentuk IAROT dan semoga usianya tidak se-umur jagung dan Semoga Allah SWT Tuhan YME merdoiNya, Amien


    Hello world!

    December 6, 2008

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